Friday, December 19, 2014

Bloodline in Running for Top 50 Indie book of the Year!

[Now on sale for 0.99!]

I was thrilled to find out today that Bloodline made it onto the 'short list' for one of the top 50 Indie books of the year on readfreely. According to their site, some 5,000 books were nominated and to make it in the top 90 (finalist) is cool enough...but to have a chance at being on a top 50 list for a year is a really great opportunity!

SO...I need YOUR help! Please Got to this link and vote for Bloodline! There is NO registration (or anything else) required, to cast your vote. You have the option to enter into a drawing by submitting your email, but you don't have to.

Thank you for your support!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Bloodline Audiobook to be released soon!

I can't believe it's been nearly a month since I updated this site!

I have been working very diligently on the audiobook for Bloodline, and I'm VERY happy to have it completed! It is currently pending review and then distribution from It will likely take at least a week for it be up for sale, but at that time I will make some free codes available!

Descent is still in a giveaway on Goodreads, so if you are a member, be sure to enter for your signed paperback copy! (see the button in the post below)

The trilogy has over forty reviews and a 4.8 rating on Amazon now. It will be exciting to hit the 50 review mark!

I set up an account on a cool website called, The Imagine Film List, where you can suggest a book be made into a movie. I have had numerous readers tell me Bloodline (and the trilogy) would make an excellent movie, so click on this link and check it out and show your support! IF List

Amazon has set up a cool page for the trilogy: Trilogy page  (did you get your copy of Descent Yet?)

Here's the most recent 5-star review on Descent (now with a 5 star rating and 6 reviews)

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars FREE COPY FOR AN HONEST REVIEW!December 6, 2014
This review is from: Descent: Forgotten Origins Trilogy Book 3 (Kindle Edition)
One of my top favorite trilogies! Alex is still trying to help find a cure, while trying to keep everyone who she loves safe. Alex and Chris’s relationship changes. “UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL!” This book was my personal favorite. The only thing that I would have liked is for more books!
Tara Ellis is an amazing Author! She executes thoughts and she has well written this trilogy.

Thanks for your support!!